New clothes for the race bike in the trad Belgian flag colours (had to be done at some stage). Just a new chain to prep the bike with and then racing next Saturday at Clayton Vale.
I have 3 spare sets of stickers, printed vinyl with a gloss laminate. Red, Yellow and a really dark grey rather than black (with lighter grey highlights). They're cut large, so to trim to suit. No cutouts for bottle bosses either so you can put it where you like.
Dims are:
Downtube: 39 x 13.9cm
Seatube: 10.8 x 17.2cm
Toptube: 10.8 x 11.7cm
£12.00 posted UK....
£20.00 posted rest of the world...
Drop me an email if your interested, they're a one off and I won't be doing this design again.